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Terra Madre apre le menti; invoglia a muoversi tutti insieme per apportare cambiamenti. Combina persone e pensieri, sapori e colori. Nessuno parla la stessa lingua, ma ci si capisce tutti. Si sorride senza sapere il perché (e senza volerlo sapere) per quattro giorni. Terra Madre stimola idee e accende fuochi. Ogni a Terra Madre ci si impegna a impegnarsi per il Buono, Pulito e Giusto per i due anni successivi. E due anni dopo si fa il punto della situazione.
Quest’anno il tema portante era decisamente potente, rivoluzionario fin dal nome: #FoodForChange. Perché i problemi nel mondo sono tanti e vanno affrontati da tutte le comunità. Per fortuna la voglia e le idee non mancano, anzi, si tratta solo di fare confluire tutte le energie nella stessa direzione. L’unione fa la forza, lo sanno tutti.
Abbiamo deciso di fare un piccolo recap dei main topics affrontati nel grande meeting torinese dedicato al cibo, buono pulito e giusto e a tutte le culture che ne fanno virtù. Saremo brevi, tweet size, ma vi consigliamo i link per approfondire quello di cui vi diamo un cenno (in inglese, ma sappiamo che voi come noi siete multicultural).
– Women: “The question of women is based on a misunderstanding: that it concerns only women. This is a stupid mistake, because women’s issues are not just about women but about everyone. Also, and above all men. The talent of women is an extraordinary resource. To be valued, supported, admired” (Lella Costa) – https://salonedelgusto.com/en/from-field-to-restaurant-power-to-the-women/
– #foodforchange: There were five big thematic areas this year: Slow Meat, Slow Fish, Seeds, Food and Health, Bees and Insects, creating a program that would speak to everyone and attract the interest of different Terra Madre communities. Each area features thematic forums, for delegates of the network to share their experiences, as well as Taste Workshops and an Interactive Path, where experts guide visitors through the most important information. – https://salonedelgusto.com/en/is-it-possible-to-farm-without-animals/
– Arena: A place for the Indigenous Terra Madre network (ITM), the migrant network, and the youth network (SFYN) to talk about their experiences and challenges and a place for everyone else to learn from them: “youth are the key to the future, we need to have young people influencing all of the decisions that we make. And we are inviting them to come and learn and be influenced by the experience.” (Paolo di Croce, Slow Food International’s Secretary General) – https://www.slowfood.com/arena-terra-madre-salone-del-gusto-indigenous-peoples-migrants-youth/
– Petrini @ Arena: Petrini’s message was mainly for the Italians in the audience, yet it was about a topic all other nationalities could also connect to: “Not so long ago, we Italians were leaving our homeland, because there was no food, because there was no work, over 30 million Italians crossed the seas to the Americas, to Australia, to new homes. Let us remember that, now that we can offer a refuge to those facing now what we once did, who are now what we once were.” (Carlo Petrini) – https://www.slowfood.com/arena-terra-madre-salone-del-gusto-indigenous-peoples-migrants-youth/
Concludiamo con una piccolo esperienza toccante, tutta in stile Terra Madre, capitata a Constanze, la nostra stagista, alla sua prima esperienza nel grande mondo dei mondi di Terra Madre.
– Surprise Pastry Workshop: Spontaneously being invited by Slow Food Carinthia to help fill their famous (and delicious) Kärntner Reindling and learn about how to make the sweet treat and about Southern Austrian culture and cuisine. Sharing the little stage with fellow Austrians, as well as my friends from Taiwan and Denmark was my personal Terra Madre Highlight, as this is what it is all about:
Combining love for food, with love for people.

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